Yeda Plus
Your path to the best
universities in the world!
Want to succeed on the test?
Leave your details to discuss a personalized study program.
YedaPlus offers high-quality preparatory courses for admissions tests such as: the GMAT , GRE , TOEFL , IELTS, SAT , and Psychometric Exam, as well as a coaching service to help students succeed in gaining admittance to their dream university.
Yeda Plus is your path to acceptance at the world’s best universities: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, London Business School, Berkeley, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, NYU, UCLA, University of Chicago, Carnegie Mellon, Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan University, and Reichman (IDC) are just some of the universities to which our students have been admitted.
כל הזכויות שמורות למכללת ידע פלוס © 2022